UA Steering

The Biggest Groups on Campus

UA Steering is a committee coordinated and chaired by the UA Vice President that comprises of representatives from 41 undergraduate large or umbrella organizations. Together, these groups represent the various channels of extra-curricular involvement for all Penn students, including student government, athletics, issue-advocacy, health, and the performing arts. The charge of the UA Steering Committee, therefore, is two-pronged. On one hand, the goal of Steering is to keep student groups informed about and connected with one another, so as to foster greater student collaboration across a range of interests and extra-curricular disciplines. On the other hand, Steering aims to provide the student government with a more accurate temperature of both what the student body is concerned with and how it wishes improve the Penn experience.

UA Steering meetings are bi-weekly throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, and are open to all undergraduate students of the university but with voting power delegated only to members of the committee proper.

Click HEre to Access the BYlaws of UA STeering


List of UA Steering Groups

  1. PRISM

  2. Kite & Key Society

  3. Wharton Council

  4. Transfer Student Organization

  5. Wharton Council

  6. SCUE

  7. PAGE

  8. Hillel

  9. MERT

  10. Class Board 25

  11. Class Board 24

  12. Class Board 23

  13. NEC

  14. DAB

  15. APSC

  16. LC

  17. Panhellenic Council

  18. SPEC

  19. SAC

  20. WAB

  21. UMOJA

  22. University Honor Council (UHC)

  23. Student Sustainability Alliance at Penn

  24. PAC

  25. AIS

  26. Lambda

  27. ESAC

  28. DP

  29. Engineering Dean's Advisory Board (EDAB)

  30. Penn Wellness

  31. Disabled Coalition